Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I'm a NuttZo Ambassador!

Eat NuttZo!

I #EatNuttzo all the time and am proud indeed to represent my friend Danielle and her amazing NuttZo spread as a healthy and natural part of my regular @marathoner diet. In fact, it is my primary power fuel I am using to get me to the Colosseum start line healthy for the April 1 Rome Marathon.

You can save 20 percent on a jar of NuttZo by going to nuttzo.com and using code mark-20. Enjoy!

Fairway is a great grocer in the NYC area, and as you can see above, I like to help them with a little NuttZo arranging. Especially when I find a few right-side up. I may have changed their display from one NuttZo row to two rows in this picture just to help other customers.

Yesterday I snagged the Power Fuel Crunchy option and started today with that on Ezekiel toast with a banana before taking the train into Manhattan.

I'm not the only one in our house who loves NuttZo, either. Check out King Bingley!

What's your favorite fuel to get to the start line?

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